
Showing posts from April, 2016

(Pink) Tissue paper flowers

I had yet another free day today (way too many of those nowadays), so I decided to, on a whim, learn how to make tissue paper flowers! My whims aren't very random. I was inspired by the fact that I had some tissue paper from Victoria's Secret that I didn't want to waste or throw away. Purchases wrapped in tissue paper always give me the impression of luxury, so I'm inclined to think it's a marketing trick. =P It also leaves me with tissue paper I have no idea what to do with, since Christmas is still 7-8 months away (and I have no friends to exchange presents with anyway =P). So today, I had this brilliant idea to learn how to make paper flowers. I never learnt how to do that before this, simply because I have no good reason to buy tissue/crepe paper, being the severely art-challenged person that I am. While other people take joy in creating beauty, I take joy in optimizing the usage of everything I have, oftentimes at the expense of beauty. With free tissue pap...

The frustration of waiting

I don't do very well when I have to wait. This includes waiting for people to drop by the house, waiting to pick someone up, waiting for mail...just waiting for life to happen, basically.  I have this personal principle about never making others wait for me, hence I tend to time things perfectly to the minute. This also extends to opening the door at the first knock (for expected guests, that is), so whenever people are supposed to drop by, I hover within earshot of the door anticipating their arrival. As you can expect, my tendencies make me a very antsy person. I can't fall asleep if I'm expecting someone within the next hour; I don't even go to the bathroom if the ETA is within 5 minutes. Just so that I can answer the door on the first knock and be the most perfect host in the world. I pride myself on never inconveniencing others, but that also means that when others inconvenience me, it's like a Super. Big. Pet. Peeve.  Putting. It. Mildly. Of late, t...

Musings on my social network.

I've been keeping to myself lately, mainly because I just don't feel up to hanging out or scheduling playdates with friends. I'll probably just blame this mood on PMS and hope that it goes away soon. I guess I've been feeling a little .... sien , for lack of a better word to describe it. "Depressed" would be an exaggeration, "sad" doesn't quite meet the mark, and I'm definitely not "bored". Even when I'm home alone, there's always a whole list of chores to be done and sometimes, research and meal planning can take up an entire afternoon. =P I'm perpetually occupied, which is a good thing for my choleric dark side. What nags at me sometimes is whether I'm trying hard enough to reach out to others and maintain a healthy social network. The catch is that there are times I'd rather be alone. Don't get me wrong, I love having meaningful relationships and connecting with others. Too much isolation drives me cra...

Poop tales

Jasmine's bout of diarrhoea started yesterday at noon. As the day went on, her diarrhoea became progressively worse and she even vomited once (good thing I saw that coming and caught the bile before it got onto the carpet). Since her behaviour was otherwise normal, we decided to observe her to see if it would last more than 24 hours or eventually resolve itself. My guess is that her diarrhoea was caused by ingesting some of the cotton balls from the trash that I used to put on facial toner with because my toner smells like raw bacon. Just a hypothesis based on the mysterious appearance of semi-eaten cotton balls on the floor. =P A dog with diarrhoea can be mildly amusing. Jasmine usually doesn't indicate that she needs to go out, and instead depends on us to regularly let her out on walks and potty breaks, unlike other dogs who may whine at the door or ring a bell to alert their owners to their needs. However, yesterday she was noticeably antsy and restless. We were all nappi...