Professional musings.
Throughout the week, I get inspirations for blog posts through all the things that happen at school. Then I wonder if it's safe/wise to blog about them, because, you know, what if someone from work/a parent eventually discovers my blog? I don't know if I'm ready to deal with the consequences of potentially controversial topics, especially if my job is on the line. Not that anything I have to say is THAT controversial, imo, but who knows - one man's harmless comment may be another man's hate speech. I've also found myself posting less on Facebook, because perhaps it's safer that young professionals are seen as not having either a personality or a personal life. To date, I haven't added any of my colleagues on Facebook. Should I keep my work friends and other friends separate? What's the wise move? I don't mean to sound suspicious of my colleagues, but mixing friendship and work is not always the best idea. I've only been at my workplace ...