Personality Matters

This is ODD.

One of my favourite personality tests is the Myers-Briggs 16 type test. Back in secondary school, I used to be an ISFJ, then I morphed into an ESFJ for a short period of time. When I came to this college, I became an ISTJ (I still blame it on the fact that I had to be tough on people due to groupwork factors). Out of the four traits, my Introversion/Extroversion factor has always been somewhere in the 50-50 range. I myself, however, know that I'm DEFINITELY an introvert because while interaction with people is enjoyable to me, I need lots and lots of time to recharge, and I really like my alone time too.

So I don't really understand why the ESTJ profile seems to suit me more, but it does. There are still certain discrepancies, but I think it's more because of the way I was raised. And of course, I AM more introverted, so yeah. After all, one can't expect to neatly box people up into 16 types.

If you want to know me more, click HERE.

If you want to know yourself more, click HERE or HERE (or try both for a more reliable result) for the personality test. The key to this is noticing if you have any 50-50 traits, because if you do, then your REAL result could swing either way. For example :

Introverted (53%)- Extraverted (47%)
iNtuitive (65%) - Sensing (35%)
Feeling (70%) - Thinking (30%)
Judging (51%)- Perceiving (49%)

The 2 traits I bolded have borderline results. Therefore, even though the official result is INFJ, it could really be ENFJ, or ENFP, or INFP - or you have certain traits from each profile.

After that, you may go to this website or this other website to check out the comprehensive description for your results. Areas covered include careers, relationships, and personal growth.

Isn't this good fun. ;)


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