
In approximately an hour, I will leave this place behind for a brief respite. Someone once said "A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you're taking". I don't need a vacation to someplace exotic - I just want the familiar sights, sounds and people of home. A familiar bed to sink into any time of the day, the familiar chatter of my sister, and the familiar fuss that my parents make over me.

And wonderful, wonderful food.

There are many things on my to-do list this holiday, including:

1) Getting a decent pair of slippers
2) Getting a decent purse
3) Wearing all the nice clothes I want to (because for the past month I've been decked in sports attire and even if I wore nice clothes, there'd be nowhere to display em)
4) Spending what's left of my book vouchers on stationery and textbooks.
5) Recharging (aka sleeping)
6) Playing with mophie


7) Doing my assignments

Gah if only I could just forget about school altogether and enjoy my holiday free from the cares of life.

But life IS life, and what would life be without lemons.


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