Breaking news.

To those who are my Facebook friends, you probably already know this, so for the benefit of those who...AREN'T my Facebook friends...? Whatever. The point is,


To be honest, I feel a little weird talking about it openly because somehow I feel like it shouldn't be a big deal and maybe I shouldn't sound so desperate to get married, but like a wise friend said, it's a once in a lifetime thing. So I AM going to shamelessly make a big deal out of it, because it deserves to be a big deal, and it IS a huge milestone in my life. =)

To those of you who might be wondering where I conjured up this boyfriend (now fiance) from, well, his name is Jia Wern, a KL-born-Sarawak-bred guy whom I met in church back in my younger days aka teenage years. I'm not sure how much detail I should go into, because the truly accurate version is probably something like 3 pages long, but it might bore you to death. So I guess I'll spare you the minute details and just tell you about the fun facts. =P

Fun Facts about My Fiance (oooh I absolutely LOVE this word teehee) and I

1. We are each other's first love. I've never had another boyfriend before him, and he's never had a girlfriend before me. Crushes don't count. HAHA.

2. We started dating when I was 17 and he was 18. Technically speaking I was 16 and a half, and he was 17 and a half. =P (Disclaimer : Not encouraging this, I still think most relationships which start at that age don't work out in the end)

3. I never thought I'd start dating that early. I'd always felt the right age to start dating was 20 and above, but I was sabotaged by my emotions much to my chagrin.

4. It was a long distance relationship (LDR) the whole time. He would come back during holidays, but my holidays weren't always in sync with his, so a few weeks together each year was what we got. I'll openly admit that long distance relationships aren't ideal, and that with every passing year it got harder to be apart, so beware of putting LDRs on a pedestal. Personally, I feel that people who love LDRs have a loose wire somewhere. Either that, or they're using that opportunity to cheat on their other half. =P The reason I hung in there was because I loved him and was committed to making it work, but no, I did not love the fact that it was an LDR. It's also due to God's grace that we're still together after 5+ years. There were times I felt like giving up for various reasons, but somehow by the grace of God, we managed to pull through. For those who are newly in love, you may not understand this, but the confidence I had that love would be enough to pull us through didn't last. Love really isn't enough. Similar life paths and plans and things like compatibility also matter a lot. But according to Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married by Gary Chapman, new couples won't be able to comprehend that wall of text I just typed until the "Tingles" stage fades away after the 2nd year. =P Sokay, I've experienced that blissful ignorance before, too.

5. The LDR part is also probably why I don't have many pictures of us together on Facebook. Most of the time we view each other through the help of webcams, which don't make for very fancy high definition upload worthy pictures. Hehe. So I really don't blame you if this engagement thing came as a shock - you might not even have known I had a boyfriend all this while. =P

6. We're both similars and opposites. We share similar views on spending, values and priorities - the essential things that matter. However, he's phlegmatic and I'm choleric; he's a night owl, I'm a morning person; he's slow and patient, and I'm...not; he can eat just about anything, I'm a picky eater; he's (more) optimistic, I'm (more) pessimistic; he's male, I'm female (stating the obvious here). We're good for each other, though, the opposite aspects help to balance things a bit. =)

K if I don't stop now it really IS gonna be 3 pages. Anyone still with me? Never mind. =P Perhaps I'll be updating more about my adventures learning how to be a bride. It's a stressful journey, but it IS a once in a lifetime thing so I should really learn to enjoy it more. Till the next update, then.


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