More pretty things

In this post, you're going to see more pictures of random buildings, simply because I'm in love with the architecture here. I feel like all the fairy tale settings in the books I read as a kid have finally materialized in front of me! <3 These shots were taken at Southpoint, a mall, of all things. :P

There, you can see the mall's name.

The walkway outside the mall, lined with cafes and cute stores.

Christmas decorations are up!

More Christmas decorations. Everything is so pretty here, and the lights just blend perfectly with the red brick walls.

I know I sound sakai, but I DO come from Malaysia, the land of sleek, tall, metal buildings. Where modernity and futuristic motives are the in-thing, and there's no rustic charm in the ... malls.

In fact, the only place I've seen similar designs at is Fraser's Hill. But I'm not all that well-travelled, so don't take my word for it.

I also wonder why I find things like these pretty even though I was born and bred in Malaysia. It's almost like the books I read during my childhood irrevocably fashioned my ideas of beauty and style, and hence I've always admired Western designs more than Eastern ones.

It's all Enid Blyton's fault. =P

Also, the public toilets here are so clean and pleasant to use! So many of them are sensor-regulated in some way, whether the flushing system or the soap dispenser or the tap water. <3<3<3 Talk about feeling hygienic after leaving a public toilet - something not many Malaysians have the pleasure of feeling. Haha.

Okay that was a weird digression. Better go, bye.


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