Date a man, not a boy.

Dear girls,

Never date a man you want to rescue. Never date a man because you want to change him for the better. Never date a man who needs a mother more than a girlfriend or a wife. Mark my words, because the day will come when you realize you cannot do all of the above, and still respect him.

And respect is of paramount importance to a man.

Granted, no one is perfect, and we are all still in the process of growing. You may say this eliminates half of the potential candidates, and that I'm being harsh by indirectly claiming that men like that don't deserve love.

I think it's more a matter of a maturity. You can't date kids, because their physical, cognitive and emotional faculties aren't fully developed yet. Same goes for men who haven't grown up or can't assume basic responsibilities. Lasting, healthy relationships where the woman plays the role of a wife and the man leads as the husband are important for a strong family unit. A relationship that is lacking in respect for the man is bound to end up in disaster, and I'd rather find a man who is worthy of my respect, than to change one into someone I respect.

Because people don't change.


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