Health Agnostic

Everyone knows that not everything on the Internet is true.
But it's not just the Internet. Even scientific studies and research have been proven wrong/inconclusive through further research featuring more precise instruments, different population samples, or through dispelling certain biases that the previous researchers had. Oftentimes, these new revelations don't even happen until decades later, and THEN someone comes along and goes, "That's a myth, don't you go believing it because there's been a new study that proves yadi yada."

So today's bone to pick is, how can we ever KNOW anything for sure? Even if we quote studies and statistics from a current journal, there might very well be another study in progress that disproves whatever we want to quote to support our beliefs and philosophies. This just ends up making us look silly, especially if we were in the process of vehemently defending something we fiercely believe in. For example, whether drinking wine or coffee often is a good thing. Whether or not there's such a thing as eating too many eggs in a day. 

Or like, if eating a certain diet wards away cancer. And what if the odds of getting cancer is mostly in the genes, and not in the diet? So if I read an article in a health magazine that claims the former, and my brother in medical school tells me the latter, WHOM DO I BELIEVE?

Actually, my point is, I get uncomfortable when people talk about their beliefs about health and diet with an absolute certainty. Don't we all know that a lot of things have been proven wrong throughout the years, and that the best way to avoid embarrassment is to not put our faith in all these...studies and stats?

Unless losing face isn't a big deal to them lah. *shrugs*

I also like my eggs, butter, white sugar and deep fried stuff very much, so maybe this is how I wriggle out of the guilt. =P

While you're ruminating on all these, here's the (dunnoe how reliable) site that triggered all this...angst :

Enjoy. But bear in mind the facts may change when newer studies publish their findings. =P


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