Things that inspire me.

#1 Older people who are still faithfully serving the Lord.

So Jia Wern and I were looking to serve with the Summit's Kid's Ministry since a month ago, so we were given opportunities to shadow in several different age groups. Of the three age groups that we shadowed, two age groups were led by couples in their 50s - 60s. It's just amazing to see them lovingly interact with the preschool and elementary school kids as grandparents would. I asked one couple how long they've been in the ministry, and they said two years. They serve three Sundays a month, and would even prefer to serve four Sundays if they could because "the kids can get scared of strangers and a lot of change", but the administration wanted them to take a week off.

It's just wonderful to see older couples so joyfully serving. I've always imagined myself as an old, tired lady by the time I hit retirement age, but these people are still bouncing up and down happily as they teach the children about Jesus. They inspire me!

#2 Older people who never stop learning.

A thirst for knowledge and humility are traits that often accompany such people. The word "old-fashioned" has "old" in it, and I don't think it'd take a genius to figure out why. Hence, older people who are actively learning and keeping up with the times are always an inspiration. My aunt who's almost sixty is way more technologically savvy than I am, and plays a score of games like Candy Crush and 2048. The fact that she knows how to use both the iPad and Android interface is already beyond me, let alone playing games! My dad, who is in his mid-fifties, has just completed a video series on Koine Greek, the language of the New Testament. He constantly recommends books and video seminars for me, which means he spends a lot of his time educating himself. In recent years, he learnt to read the bible in Mandarin and sing Mandarin songs because he wanted to reach out to the ISCF students who were mostly from Chinese churches. Anyone who knows Mandarin knows that it isn't the easiest language to pick up, much less read in, much less read the BIBLE in. Mind-blown. And here I am, young, comfortable in my ignorance and afraid to try new things. God, help me be less lazy and prideful.

#3 Children

Children are just the most innocent, loving things ever. They love indiscriminately. They say all sorts of things like "you're so pretty, teacher" and "I will love you forever", and though you'd better take it with a pinch of salt because they're probably saying it to every other young teacher out there, it's still nice to be loved so unconditionally (Cue: Aww). And they get so excited and enthusiastic about the simplest things! I love that sense of wonder and awe, and I hope I never lose it entirely (I have only about 30% left and my supply's supposed to diminish steadily over the years). Please, if you meet me in 30 years and I'm speaking in a jaded monotone with frown lines permanently etched across my face, remind me of this blog post. =P

Okay, gonna wrap it up here. I'm feeling pretty good already. Maybe it'll do everyone some good to spend some time thinking about what inspires them - that way, we can get inspired any time!


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