We Have Moved.

Here I am, at long last, blogging from our own place.

For the past six months, we had been sharing an apartment with Jameson. While the stay has been lovely and the company's been great, it's great to finally get a place to ourselves. Beyond the obvious benefits of privacy, the temperature regulation(the air-con was always too cold there), and so much more space, it also feels like a milestone - this is our first apartment together since our marriage. So exciting!

Right now it's summertime, and today the temperature is going to hit 34 degrees Celsius at some point. That's like Malaysian weather, but it's still bearable because it's not as humid here. For my Malaysian friends who have little to no concept of what a "less humid" place is, think of it this way - if you're in a shaded place, it's much cooler than being out in the sun, even if the light is just 1 foot away from where you're standing. No such thing in Malaysia, I know. =P

...You know I'm beginning to be Americanized because I'm using the "foot" as a measurement instead of meters and centimeters. =P

The important thing is: Warm weather, me likey.

The actual moving was finished yesterday, but we haven't exactly unpacked and assembled everything yet. God has been so good to us - we have way more chairs and tables than two people need, and most of them were free. In fact, I told Jia Wern that we should hold small group meetings at our place since we have so many chairs. =P We're still slightly unused to the amount of space we get to ourselves now, having lived in a cramped space for the past six months. Also, I definitely haven't figured out the fastest route to get home from other places since our address changed. =P  Knowing where everything is and being on autopilot again will take some time, but I'm adjusting happily. =D

I'll be off for now, till next time!


  1. I simply must comment on the "less humid" thing. When I first discovered that stepping under a shade made it THAT much cooler, I was dumbfounded. Like, how can this be?! And just stepped in and out of the shade multiple times to "test" that it wasn't my imagination. LOL. Americans must have thought I was sakai or something.

    1. It's wonderful! Haha. People here are complaining about the humidity, and I'm just like (in my head, of course), "What humidity? You don't know humidity." xD


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