I can't afford my own taste.

Sometimes I wonder if what I wear really reflects my taste.

I personally think it doesn't, because I'm limited to stuff in the bargain bins or discount racks. A typical shopping trip goes like this :

May : Oohhh I like that! It looks classy.
JW : Yeah it does.
May : But when am I ever going to wear it? It's more suitable for formal occasions. But it's so pretty. *checks pricetag* Okay forget it. 
*May moves on to the discount rack.* 
May : Everything here is 10 bucks! *starts rifling through the clothes, doesn't see anything she REALLY likes, but a few which are decent* This is an interesting design, but I don't really like the colour. Do I reaaaaally need this? 10 bucks is still 10 bucks. I don't have any *insert type of clothing here* yet, this may come in handy. Is this going to match with any of my clothes, though? Ah whatever, let's try it on. Clothes-trying is free anyway. 
*May tries it on* 
JW : How was it?
May: I still don't like the colour. Let's keep looking.

There are a few possible outcomes, and here they are, ranked from most likely to least likely:

#1 May ends up walking out of the store empty-handed after an hour of rifling through bargain bins and discount racks, realizing there's a reason things are in those bins and racks.

#2 May ends up getting something she needs in the right price range and not too terrible colour/design.

#3 May decides to shop at a thrift store for second-hand clothes which are limited in size, design and colour (AND may be slightly defective), but perfect in price range.

#4 May gets something in the right colour and fit but spends just a little more than she intends to.

#5 May gets something she likes in the right colour, price, and fit from the bargain bin.

#6 May spends a fortune on a really nice outfit that she absolutely loves that is not from the bargain bin, probably egged on by JW who probably thinks girls are the worst when it comes to shopping, and that May is worse than the very worst because the price is such a limitation.

And girls, that is why you should marry a patient man. =P

I digress. Point is, given that the two most likely outcomes are #1, #2 and #3, that means that most of my wardrobe is either non-existent or functional, but not really what I'd consider my own style. Sometimes, I get free clothes because I volunteer at a clothing closet, and being the cheapo that I am, I try to utilize them even if I feel they're not exactly the kind of stuff I'd pick.

So please don't judge me by what I wear - I can't afford my own taste. =P


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