Ambitious (day)dreams

While my husband is slaving away at his laptop to write a paper, I hand wash some clothes, write some Amazon buyer reviews, check out Kroger's weekly deals and eventually turn to blogging.

My days are filled with more human interaction now and the past few weeks have been good. We try to serve at every opportunity the church offers us as long as it doesn't affect JW's work, and I've been getting to know more people from the Book Club and also through hosting people at our place. I like hosting people - it makes me feel like I'm utilizing all the space (and rent) that we have for a good cause.

Ironically, the more activities I get myself into, the more I feel like I have too much downtime. Our nights have become more boring and besides reading or watching something on Netflix, there isn't much to do together with JW. Maybe I should just leave him alone to finish his book or play Battleship. =P The other night, we played Scrabble against a bot. It was fun but after a while I realized bots are rarely beaten unless we get a particularly good hand. No way you can compete against all the possible combinations that a computer can generate, and the computer also has the added advantage of a limitless vocabulary. Our newfound interest died out not long after. =P

Our marriage is settling into a comfortable place where I'm not persuading him to go out every other weekend to try something new just to break the monotony of staying home. Unfortunately, that also means things are getting more boring, and I have a lot more time on my hands. That makes me wonder if I should apply my resources of energy and time towards something like...writing a book. I've never really entertained the idea because words I immediately associate with "writing a book" include "bestseller", "creativity", "fiction" and "message". High expectations, I know. Typical kiasu mentality. =P

Writing a memoir might work, though. I used to keep journals because it was precious to look back on all the memories that I might forget if I didn't immortalize them in writing. Then college happened, and I realized hiding 5 journals wasn't the best use of space and energy so I gave that up. I still keep a blog (digital records, yay!) for that purpose, even though blogs are long outdated and I don't even know if people still read mine. Writing a memoir of my journey here may be a good way to preserve the memories and feelings that I've gone through since coming here, and even if it never hits the bookstores, I think my children might like to read it someday. I'd probably like to look back at this time in my life someday, too. I could copy and paste a few chapters from this blog, I guess. =P

Would anyone be interested in reading the ramblings of a stay-at-home wife of an international grad student? Hmm. Only one way to find out. ;)


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