The frustration of waiting

I don't do very well when I have to wait. This includes waiting for people to drop by the house, waiting to pick someone up, waiting for mail...just waiting for life to happen, basically. 

I have this personal principle about never making others wait for me, hence I tend to time things perfectly to the minute. This also extends to opening the door at the first knock (for expected guests, that is), so whenever people are supposed to drop by, I hover within earshot of the door anticipating their arrival. As you can expect, my tendencies make me a very antsy person. I can't fall asleep if I'm expecting someone within the next hour; I don't even go to the bathroom if the ETA is within 5 minutes. Just so that I can answer the door on the first knock and be the most perfect host in the world. I pride myself on never inconveniencing others, but that also means that when others inconvenience me, it's like a Super. Big. Pet. Peeve. 

Putting. It. Mildly.

Of late, though, I've begun to see what a burden this compulsion can be. A few days ago, I decided to put some unused household stuff up for sale so that they wouldn't go to waste, and I managed to get some buyers for them. The problem starts when I have to wait for the buyers to pick up the stuff and pay me. More often than not, I find myself forgoing my nap in anticipation of their arrival long before the agreed upon time. ALL FOR A PITTANCE. You see, my primary motive for selling the stuff is to make sure that they go to good use instead of being wasted. Knowing that a cheap price would rid me of the stuff faster, I priced the items at a bargain price, most going for just $5. And I have to question myself, is sitting around restlessly waiting for someone to pay me $5 worth the hassle? It's not even a profit to speak of! 

It's worse when a buyer agrees upon a time to pick up the items, and then delays his/her arrival last minute. Today's 3.00pm meeting turned into "4.30-5pm". It's already 5.10pm and there's still no sign of the buyer. Add that to my lack of a nap and you get a cranky dragon. WHY. Why do I subject myself to such torture? FOR FIVE DOLLARS? I should totally charge waiting fees. TIME IS MONEY.

This is my penance for being a freeloader. I need some real work for my mental health. =P


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