Birthday scribbles

So if you haven't heard, I turned 25 on the 25th! Golden birthday celebration whee! Not that we did anything big. =P

Between Jia Wern coming home from work early to spend the day with me, getting a buyer on eBay, a BBQ dinner at Bullocks and cookies from Jenna at small group, it was a really nice day. I actually had a really nice week leading up to it as well with so many surprises from God, but that's a story for another day.

I've always wanted to be 25. Maybe it's because my birthday falls on the 25th, so I especially like that number. Mathematically speaking, 25 is a nice, square number that has a square root. It also somehow implies (to me, at least) that someone is grown up and in the prime of their life. Yes, as a kid, my wish was to be an adult because I felt that was when others would take me seriously. I was a serious kid, as you may have inferred. =P

I love how my birthday marks the beginning of a series of celebrations. May 25th is my birthday, May 31st is our wedding anniversary, and June 14th is Jia Wern's birthday. HOW CONVENIENT. Basically, we can splurge on anything and justify it during this period of time.

("But don't you splurge all the time?" you ask. HUSH.)

*continues browsing for that elusive perfect handbag*


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