This post is going to be about pain

Before I came over to the States, I virtually never had any problems with my teeth.

Then I came over, turned 25, and my wisdom teeth started acting up. I now understand why teething babies can be so cranky. It's PAINFUL. It aches so much that sometimes I fantasize about extracting it, blood and gore and everything, and that would still be preferable to that ache that just throbs on and on.

Someone give me a pacifier please.

The worst part is that it recurs. It doesn't just happen once for all - depending on how long your tooth takes to erupt, it can go on for months (off and on, fortunately, or that'll be the death of me from starvation). So far it hasn't affected my eating habits yet, but I can see how it COULD if it gets any worse. I even took an ibuprofen for it last night, and it didn't help. Not kidding. Morphine, anyone?

And then hor, my two upper wisdom teeth don't want to behave and come out straight. So what I have are wisdom teeth jutting out towards my cheeks, which sometimes cause me to bite my cheeks accidentally, and are very effective traps for food. You wouldn't believe the amount of food that gets trapped in there, only reachable by an interdental brush bent at 90 degrees. If not for the fact that I'm planning to yank them out anyway, I would shudder at the thought of those cavities.

Listen to me whine. I probably can't handle childbirth. =P


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