My Recurring Nightmare

It's so much warmer today! You can tell that I've thawed by the fact that I'm writing in longer sentences as opposed to short, choppy ones. =P

The weather outside is perfect at the moment. I can't help but hope that it'll stay like this for the rest of October, November , and December...if I really had my way I'd go all the way up to February and skip winter altogether. A girl can dream. =P

Anyway! Today's post will be about a recurring nightmare of mine, and I find it very telling about my greatest fears. What would be my greatest fear, you ask?

According to my recurring nightmare, at least, it's the fear of missing a flight. Or, to be more precise, failing to finish packing before a flight, and missing the flight as a result. It's odd and not so odd at the same time. The odd thing is, I've never actually missed a flight in my life. Having flown so often in college, I was always on top of things and had a very clear idea of my flight schedules. Oftentimes, I would find myself packing three days before flying just to be careful not to forget anything.

The not so odd thing is, that's precisely what gets me high-strung. Flying is such an expensive and inflexible travel option that you just CAN'T afford to make any mistakes. It's not like you can turn back in the middle of a flight for the laptop recharger you've forgotten, or that favourite pair of jeans. It's even worse with a long-distance flight. Even though both ways you can't retrieve whatever essential it is that makes your life comfortable, flying long haul means you have to be prepped for the possibility that you might not get your luggage on the same day that you arrive at your destination. So you have two alternatives:

1. Don't check in your luggage. Just carry it on with you and there's no chance it'll be lost/left behind.
This is decidedly the less comfortable option since overhead cabins are not the roomiest and everyone has the same idea. Also, dragging luggage around is one of my greatest banes. You can't even use the restroom without lugging it in!

2. Pack REALLY REALLY well. This means that you have a spare change of clothes (or two) in your backpack, essentials to wash up in an airport restroom, entertainment options (books or a kindle) and snacks.That way, even if your luggage doesn't make it the next day, it's okay. You'll survive.

Being a sucker for comfort, I always go for option 2. I have this idea in my head that if the airlines actually LOSE my luggage on a long haul flight, they'd either find a way to get it to me asap (I'm sure that's happened to millions of travellers before) or compensate me handsomely. However, that means you HAVE to pack extremely well in case of emergencies.

Which is probably why I had that recurring nightmare two nights ago. It's horrible. Positively horrible.


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