Bidding goodbye to my wisdom teeth

Today, I paid $25 (RM102) to have all four of my wisdom teeth removed under local anesthesia at Sarawak General Hospital. With an X-ray AND 5 different types of medications too. Take that, American dentists who charge $2500!

Of course, I had the benefit of parents-in-law making the appointment for me in the first place, and even though there was a scheduling fluke on the dentist's side, I happened to know his son personally, and his son did it for me because I wasn't keen on going there again the next day. It's really who you know, not what you know that will get things done. Side note: It's a weird feeling having someone you grew up with in Youth Group working on your teeth. =P I guess it's that season in life where all our peers are young professionals and we don't have to consult uncles and aunties as much anymore because our own friends are in those fields.

All things considered, I was really blessed to have a super quick and complication-free extraction. At first, the estimation was that the procedure would take 1.5 hours. I was out in 45 minutes, thanks to Dr Zhuo Wei's skillful hands and my wisdom teeth which chose to grow vertically, despite the nuisance that they have been for the past 2 years. At least my wisdom teeth got ONE thing right *rolls eyes*.

Also, I've been bracing myself for the terrible pain that everyone told me about to set in, but it's been 7 hours and there's not much sign of it. That either means my pain meds are powerful or it really was a super simple extraction. Honestly, all I feel is a slight aching/swelling on my right lower jaw, and the rest feel fine. I've had toothaches which were worse, or about the same intensity.

I'm also very grateful to have parents who wait on me hand and foot. My mum dropped my dad and I off at SGH so that we wouldn't have to look for a parking spot (and picked us up later), and my dad accompanied me the whole time and took care of the payments/talking (I couldn't talk to the pharmacist with a mouth full of gauze). So far I've been subsisting on blended fruit juice and Sunny Hill ice-cream the past few hours courtesy of my mum, and I think dinner tonight will be porridge.

Praise God for the smooth ride and for making everything fall into place. Always undeserved, but He is gracious and good. May I learn to trust Him more. =)


  1. Wisdom teeth are the worst! I had one removed because it was hurting so bad. I was at work and was pretty much laying on the floor with agony. It's nice you knew the son. It really is about who you know. Good connections can really help you in the long run. They have given me opportunities that have helped.

    Eunice Greer @ Downtown Dental SC


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