9 years

Today is our 9th anniversary. Dating anniversary, that is - but when you've been together for so long, it counts. =P

It's remarkable that after so many years, we can still sit down and have long, deep conversations over dinner, or anywhere, really, for that matter. Even at the food court in the Asian market. =P I think it's absolutely wonderful that we still find each other engaging. It doesn't take much to entertain us - just a couch and a good topic will do. The long years of our LDR had at least one good result: the ability for us to delve deep into meaningful conversations and generate an infinite number of stimulating topics to discuss at any give moment. The downside? We're both couch potatoes. =P

And over the years, it's interesting to see how our opinions and ideas have grown and changed, honed by each other. I find myself thinking more like Jia Wern, and I catch him presenting my point of view to others often. I am glad that our relationship is built on a strong foundation of friendship and communication, and I am continually amazed at how much I am attracted to him romantically as well (given that the previous half of the sentence seems to indicate that our relationship is more platonic and unsexy. =P). Intellectual connection results in emotional fulfillment, and THAT is a well that will never run dry.

I always feel like I'm bragging when I talk about my marriage because there really isn't a lot of bad stuff I can say about it (and that's already an understatement). That's why I don't talk about it much, because it conflicts with my preference to be self-deprecating. Maybe it's because we ironed out a lot of rough patches during the long dating period, maybe it's because neither of us are in high-stress situations at the moment. Whatever it is, I count it a blessing that we love being together. Sure, we do get into the occasional tiff now and then, but they're usually about minor, surface issues that don't matter very much. If anything characterizes our relationship, it would probably be laughter. Stupid jokes, teasing and simple amusement at life - a little bit of humour goes a long way.

I'm thankful that God put us together, and I trust that God will keep us together as we look to Him as the center of not just our marriage, but also our lives. May our love for Him and each other only grow more and more each year, and through this, paint a picture of Christ and His love to the world.


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