A classroom anecdote

This happened when I was carrying out my final practicum in SK Taman Rasah Jaya 3 years ago. I was teaching a class of 9-year-olds with low to intermediate proficiency and my supervisor had decided to pop in for my final assessment unannounced. I was taken by surprise, but was relieved that I had borrowed a soft toy turtle and some teaching aids from another friend. Because we were teaching the same grade, we often borrowed lesson ideas and teaching aids from each other. 

The topic for the day was pets and my objective was to teach my kids to write about their own pet. At the end of the lesson, I asked different students to share what they had wrote. One student stood up and went:

"My pet's name is XX. It is pink and blue."

I was appalled. An entire lesson on pets, and this girl STILL didn't understand that a pet had to be an animal? Did bringing in a soft toy backfire on me? And my supervisor was sitting right there at the back of the class assessing me!

"Pink and blue? What kind of animal is your pet?"

This was her reply. "It is a fish."


HAHA nearly had a heart attack there. My supervisor was equally amused, I got a great grade, and all's well that ends well.


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