
Right now, I'm enjoying my year-end break after a grueling 4 months of work. Perks of being a teacher, but don't envy us unless you'd like to bring work home and work weekends throughout the year. =P

I've been meaning to blog for the longest time, but as much as I love writing, it's not the first thing that comes to mind when I want to take a break. The same goes for reading. Nowadays, I find myself scrolling aimlessly through Facebook or watching Youtube videos during my downtime - you know, stuff that doesn't require too much brainpower. Blogging is reserved for times when I have more energy and enthusiasm, like long holidays. Yes, work demands my soul, sucks it dry and spits out an empty shell of my former self. =P I was talking to JW about switching jobs just last night, and he pointed out that no matter what job I was in, I'd probably feel the same way about it. Because I'm just wired that way, to be fully invested in whatever I'm doing. *sigh*

It's not all bad. I like being a working woman, earning my keep and feeling like I make a difference in other people's lives. It's still an adjustment from staying home full time, though, among many other adjustments. Speaking of which, I recently realized that I was still in the process of adjustment - it took a church member to point that out to me. The busyness of work had lulled me into thinking I was fully acclimatized, but at the back of my mind, I was constantly feeling unhappy and unsettled. I know now that the process of adjusting takes time, and it's okay to feel like I'm in limbo for a bit. Transitions are always hard, and finding community isn't always easy.

Speaking of community, though, we've been blessed by friendships here. Amy is living with us, so I get a lot of quality time with her. Since coming over, we've also made some American friends - how uncanny is that? I should learn to count my blessings and be a little more grateful for all the good things in my life. Not to mention I already have the greatest blessing of all - being able to call God my Father and the assurance of His salvation. Lord, give me eyes to see what You're doing in my life and increase my knowledge of You.

Come what may, I can rest in the knowledge that He is on the throne, and will forever be.


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