
I used to go on self-improvement projects in the past.

It's a legit hobby okay. =P

Now, I've learnt to accept and love what I cannot change about myself. I will never be a demure, soft-spoken, 'anything goes' kinda person, no matter how hard I try to. And I don't mind anymore, because everything has a flip side, including so-called more attractive personality traits.

By default, I'm decisive, I like things to be done quickly, I hardly procrastinate, I'm vocal, I'm all for justice, I'm impatient with people who insist on making not-so-wise decisions and whine about it later. I appreciate effort, intelligence, liberal thinking, and efficiency. I am not proud of my weaknesses, and I acknowledge that I have hurt many people with my forthright manner of speaking - but at the same time, I don't admire those who never voice out their true feelings. I'm probably more rigid about fulfilling obligations than most, something many people also hold against me.

I'm not an ideal daughter-in-law, or the kind of girl most guys are attracted to.

But it's okay, and I cannot imagine myself any other way. I like knowing what I want, and I can live with the consequences of being the way I am.

I think everyone has their own issues, and I would like to thank those who love me despite my rough edges. =)


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