Teechur says

So I decided, since it's hols, I'm 21 and freedom of speech still applies, I'm going to create a new, public blog.

...And also because I can't find my archives on my Wordpress private blog. That's 8 years' worth of memories, hey! *glares*

Blogging doesn't seem to be in fashion anymore, though. It's alright. I don't care. If people prefer to read only 140 words on Twitter, they can go tweet. Imma have the time of my life pouring out my heart and soul in eloquent expression for the rest of mankind who can appreciate the power of the written word ahem myself.

Pardon the craziness, I'm just so happy to be back in the blogging sphere. Writing has always been a passion, and a squelched passion is never a happy one. Therefore, I'm giving myself a grand welcome back.

*Pats own back*

Hellllllouuuu world.


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