Korean Drama Love

You know it's true love when your husband agrees to watch an entire Korean drama series together with you (despite scoffing at pretty boy looks, metrosexual Korean fashion and how everything is so unrealistically successful when it involves the protagonist =P).

I myself have only watched a grand total of four Korean drama series in my entire life, so I'm not a particularly huge fan. But this last one we watched was a pretty interesting one, so yeah. Get ready for pretty boy pics! *Cue eye-rolls from Jia Wern*

SO...TALL. <3 Even the side characters were attractive (the first two on the left). I'd argue that they were even more attractive than the main character, in terms of both looks and the roles they played. =P

On to what I like about the series : 

#1 The love triangle was non-existent. Thankfully.

#2 It involved a lot of political intrigue and action scenes (although some weren't THAT realistic *cough*), and not just characters making eyes at each other or crying and crying and non-stop crying aargh. Or maybe we fast-forwarded all of those scenes, so it didn't seem that bad. =P

#3 It covered a whole range of themes: corruption, family relationships, values, principles, love (key ingredient of K-dramas so you can't leave that out), personal conflict and taking the higher road. So the plot's pretty deep and interesting.

#4 It had two pretty good-looking male characters, heheh. Although I definitely think Lee Min Ho (second from right) looks better when his hair covers his eyebrows, as in both pictures above. Jia Wern has nothing to worry about, though. Those guys don't even know of my existence *sadface*.

Ahem. Not going to post an entire summary here because you can just Google it. In short, if you like stories that feature government corruption, vigilantism, hand-to-hand combat and pretty faces, go for it. 

Even Jia Wern thought it was pretty good. =P


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