Too uncool.

I just recently opened another account on another social media platform (you probably guessed it already so I'm not gonna say which =P), and had to go through another excruciating experience thinking up a bio and a username.

Can I see a show of hands for people who feel my pain?

The thought process goes something like this :

What username would fit me? I've always been plain ol' May and I just can't think of another name that fits me better. I guess it'll be something with a twist on May, because I'm definitely not an "Annabelle" or "Idrina". How DO those people come up with clever and creative twists on their names? I wanna be just like them! Cool, understated, cleverly funny. cool am I? I want my name to represent ME, and I'm just not the coolest or most creative person. Think! I'm a little tired of Maia (even that pen name was given by JW, not something I came up with myself), and it kinda suits an ethereal, fantasy setting more. So it'd work ok for Edenia, but not in a hip setting. "Mayhem" would be cool, although it's probably so popular it's taken already, not to mention I'm really NOT the "mayhem" kinda person. That would be the exact opposite of what I am. I like organization, structure and efficiency, but at the same time I like clever, funny, sarcastic, ironic things. May1991? Maria? N.O.

...AHHH maybe I just don't fit into hip culture!!!!

It's equally frustrating to come up with an interesting bio. Exactly how does one fit all five feet two and a half inches of awesomeness (read: me) into....a paragraph? I despair.

I guess I'm not that awesome after all if I can't even come up with an awesome bio. *blink blink*

I mean, take a look at the sidebar where the About Me section is. It's lame. I'm sorry. I apologize for my lack of awesomeness. Now I will never have friends because of how socially inept I am on social platforms for hip and cool people.

And that, my friends, is why I will stick to blogging - because I'm not cool enough to come up with witty captions/cool usernames/cool domain names/cool bios/140 cool characters.

Thank you.


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