Happy birthday to MEEEEE!

I'm 24 today! You know how we usually hardly feel any different/older on our birthdays? Well, this year I actually feel more grown-up, so I'll blog about it. =P

For instance, the first thing I did this morning was go grocery shopping. Granted, the shopping trip was mainly to buy food for my birthday dinner (absolutely mouth-watering roasted chicken from Krogers and daikon for daikon soup - oh I'm feeling hungry already), but still. Nothing says "You're growing up!" like having to take care of your daily needs with your own bank account. Well, technically speaking, it's my husband's bank account since I don't contribute anything to it...

The second thing I did this morning was to try out a new brush I got for the toilet. You heard me right. I got a new toilet brush! It said "for dishwashing" on the label, but it'll work just fine to scrub those mildew stains off. Trust me, I tried it out once I got back. =P It also has this neat little hollow in the handle where you can pour detergent in and then squeeze it so that it'll come out from the brush head as you scrub. And it only cost 2.49USD! America, the land of innovations, I love you. Having cleaned the bathroom with a miserable 3-year-old, 0.5 inch x 2.0 inch brush head for the past six months, the satisfaction, joy and warmth of using a bigger, more efficient brush is indescribable. If only the bathroom had more stains, I'd be happily scrubbing right now. Alas, I'm too OCD to let many stains accumulate before I zealously get rid of them. I also have too much time on my hands and no good excuse not to clean the bathroom regularly, so yeah. =P

The third thing, I'm doing right now, which is blogging. I'll let you know how that goes.

Tonight I'm going to have a scrumptious dinner with minimal effort yummmm. And Jia Wern got me a tiramisu cake that we're going to pick up later, so that's another thing to look forward to. What better way to celebrate a birthday than with food and family? The only thing that'd make it better would be having my other family members around as well. Thank you, mum, for giving birth to me and providing for all my needs and more; thanks dad, for being a wise spiritual leader in our family; thank you Ray, for always looking out for me and making sure I had everything I needed; thank you, Rene, for giving me the opportunity to do "big sister" things for you, like making you make Milo for me and insisting that you need new clothes. =P I wouldn't be who I am today without all of you.

Oh yeah, and thank you Lara moochypoo for teaching me unconditional love. If our love for you were conditional, you'd be out on the streets. =P Ok kidding, you brought us all so much joy and laughter even though your temperament isn't the sweetest. It just gives you more personality. I like you, really I do. Muah.

To my husband, who has to put up with me asking him "Do you love me? Why?" at least once a day, who comforts me when I'm down, and loves me for who I am, thank you too. You are so wonderful - look who's paying for the tiramisu cake? - and you'd better believe that. MUAAAH. I couldn't have asked for a better companion.

To God, who is my source of everlasting joy, hope and redemption from sin, nothing would matter without You. I thank and praise You for being the Author and Perfector of my faith, and that in You, I have the ultimate Father. I love you, Lord. Thank you for this gift of life, love and family.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a birthday to celebrate. *Opens Coursera tab and starts listening to a video lecture*


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