It's a good life.

I think the more life throws at you, the less you think of social networking and virtual platforms of expression. I don't even know what I'm going to write about today.

Because I'm just way too busy living life IRL. =P

My life has been a busy, satisfying time with new experiences (like a picnic at Duke Gardens if you haven't already seen Facebook photos) and also some independent self-learning/continuing education. I've been taking a Social Psychology course on Coursera and it's been a lot of fun learning about people and what makes us tick. I've always been interested in psychology, but the  cognitive aspects of it are too technical to really appeal to me. Freud was too messed up, Jung was weird, everything seemed justifiable and if everything can be anything, then what was the point of all those complicated theories, really? (Disclaimer: This opinion is entirely my own half-baked one so take it with a pinch of salt.) When I realized that my affinity for psychology didn't really extend beyond psychological self-testing (read: personality tests), or knowing fun facts about myself and others, I knew I couldn't really declare myself to be in love with the field of psychology.

Social psychology, however, is slightly different. It's more...practical and relates to society and cultures and mindsets. Prior to this, I had read a few of Dan Ariely's books in Jia Wern's Kindle, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. If you haven't, you should! Knowing how people's minds work is so useful when it comes to advertising, persuasion, education and of course, introspection. So when I saw this course offered on Coursera, my interest was piqued. If nothing else, at least the stuff I learnt would be fodder for conversation with Jia Wern when I run out of things to say. =P

Did I say I had nothing to say about my life? Well, I just gave you two paragraphs about what I've been studying recently. I should never doubt myself in the chatty department.

Time for the mandatory weather update. It's like Kuching weather now - I can actually feel the heat again! I'm surprised my body hasn't forgotten how to sweat already. =P Perhaps that's the reason I feel so much chipper of late. Everything's so bright and beautiful, and I can walk outdoors to appreciate the beauty of nature any time I want to. Never, ever take for granted the ability to walk outdoors any time you want to. Winter just makes you want to stay in bed forever and not move an inch in order to keep warm. Side effects of winter may include mild depression, demotivation and sleeping way too much because your body is burning so much energy just to keep warm (I totally made up that very scientific-sounding hypothesis).

Another exciting thing that's coming up is...*drumroll* birthday, our wedding anniversary, and his birthday! "Thing", singular, because it's way too much of a hassle to have three celebrations. It's nice to have our major milestones all within a month of each other so we can legitimately slack on the celebrating. =P No judging please. I celebrate life every other day since I'm a lady of leisure. Plus, we're moving soon so that's already going to be a huge expenditure. =P Anyway, can you believe it's been a year since our wedding? I can't, probably because we haven't had any huge fights yet. =P It's just been a wonderful year and I feel like I am living the dream.

Actually, I am. Hmm.

Thank you God, for all Your blessings. =D


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