Happy Valentine's Day!

If you're wondering why I haven't posted any photos on Facebook bragging about how my Valentine's Day went, it's because I've been down with the flu and being sick does not make one feel very romantic.

That, and the fact that nothing happened anyway. =P

Shouldn't be surprising to you readers, since you should know by now that I haven't a single shred of humanity sentimentality in my being. Since the female in the relationship is usually the police of special dates and events, if I (the female, in case you were wondering) couldn't care less, then it goes without saying that forgetting/ignoring special dates and events will be a non-issue for us. 

See, I like to celebrate life on a regular basis so I don't mind if nothing happens on a special day - I know I can always convince Jia Wern to take me out whenever. It also goes against every practical fiber in my being to do something special on a day when flowers and presents are twice or thrice the original price and restaurants are fully booked. 

Besides, he's been a really great husband taking care of all the chores and cooking while I just laze around using my sickness as an excuse to not lift a finger. To be fair, it's the worst bug I've had in a long time. I don't usually get bedridden by the common colds that I get, but this time round I felt really lousy when the fever hit. See, I don't even remember what a fever feels like. =P Anyway, I guess he took the "in sickness and in health" part of the marriage vows really seriously, and it's really nice to have someone around to nurse you back to health and be at your beck and call. Poor dude has had to deal with a bleary-eyed croaky-voiced cranky wife with perpetual bed hair for the past four days, so here's a shout-out to him : You are amazing. Your chicken soup and rice was also amazing. =)

Yay for husbands, yay for marriage. Happy Valentine's Day people.


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