I've been having consecutive weird dreams recently, and what's even weirder is that they have the same recurring theme.

The theme of going back to school and having to do something I dread.

The first dream I had was about having to slog through Form 6. The second dream I had was about taking the Mandarin subject for SPM, and my least favourite Chinese teacher in primary school was the subject teacher. The third dream was having to learn SPM Additional Maths in only ONE year because I couldn't, for the life of me, remember my Form 4 stuff. For your information, in reality I escaped Form 6 because I left for IPG on a scholarship and I dropped Mandarin for SPM. The third dream was probably inspired by the fact that Add Maths was my worst subject in school. So glad it's over and done with. =P

I usually don't despair when it comes to studies, but these were nightmares for me. Maybe it's because I've left school for so long and have forgotten 90% of my subjects, and also because I hate appearing stupid, especially since academics had always been my strong point. Yes, God is still working on my pride issues. =P

It's funny, though, that a year after graduating from IPG, I'd still have dreams about secondary school examinations. Is this what they call PTSD? =P


  1. I've heard many people tell me that have the same dreams even years after graduating from college, especially for med students! It's usually about something similar, like realizing they have a final examination or a giant project due at the last minute and they can't remember a single thing about the subject. Hahahaha. At last it's only a dream.


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